Occlusion of the main arteries of the brain

Occlusion of the main arteries of the brain ( in the extra-and intracranial departments) .

Occlusion of blood vessels – is a violation of the patency of hollow structures in the body (subarachnoid spaces, tanks, lymph and blood vessels). The given pathology is due to the closure in certain section of the lumen of these structures.

Acute occlusion of the arteries is an acute disturbance of blood flow that occurs distal to the occlusion of the artery by thrombus or embolus . This condition is considered to be urgent , because after 4-6 hours from its start a necrotic irreversible changes is developing in the body.

This pathology can develop as a result of atherosclerotic plaque rupture and subsequent thrombosis , embolism. Symptoms are characterized by the sudden appearance . The main ones are: severe pain , lack of pulse, paresthesia ( anesthesia ) , cold sensation in the limbs , pale limbs. Vascular occlusion is localized around the area of bifurcation artery distal to the point where you can still find a pulse (for example, in the femoral artery bifurcation in the presence of femoral pulse ) . In severe cases, motor function can be completely lost. And after 6 - 8hours muscles become soft on palpation .

Methods of treatment

  •  Creation of extra-intracranial vascular microanastomosis