Pediatric Neurosurgery Department

The department of Pediatric Neurosurgery includes 25 beds and specializes in the treatment of various types of neurosurgical pathology in children aged 0 to 17 years.

The combination of the latest diagnostic and treatment techniques and professionalism of doctors can cover the entire spectrum of neuropathology in children. The neurosurgeons perform the most complicated operations in different parts of the central and peripheral nervous system in children, blood vessels of the brain and spinal cord and spinal column. Since the foundation of the department in 2008, it annually treats about 1,100 children with various diseases of the nervous system, including:

  •  brain tumor,
  •  hydrocephalus,
  •  brain cysts,
  •  brain aneurysm,
  •  arteriovenous vascular malformations of the brain and spinal cord,
  •  craniosynostosis,
  •  traumatic brain injury.

In carrying out such operations intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring is applied in order to prevent damage to the neural structures.

Also, the department specializes in surgical treatment of pharmacoresistant forms of epilepsy. The department experts in the field of spinal disorders perform surgical treatment to children with spinal cord injuries and tumors of the spinal cord, as well as birth defects of the spine and spinal cord (Chiari malformation, diastematomyelia and syringomyelia).

The department specialists have great experience in the field of endoscopic procedures on the brain. In this case, the possibility of intraoperative use of modern navigation systems increases a successful outcome of the operation.


The department has modern diagnostic and surgical equipment:

  •  endoscopic video systems;
  •  monitoring systems of the biomechanical properties of the brain and intracranial pressure;
  •  laser and ultrasonic disintegrator;
  •  microsurgical equipment and tools;
  •  stereotactic frame system;
  •  catheters and devices for endovascular operations;
  •  spinal fluid system,
  •  frameless neuronavigated station,
  •  a system of rigid and semi-rigid (children's) fixing of the skull,
  •  Intraoperative neurophysiological station
  •  autologous blood transfusion stations,
  •  nerve stimulators.

Each house has all the facilities for a comfortable stay in the hospital the mother and child such as built-in furniture, a separate bathroom, shower room, adjustable beds. The department is equipped with effective call system of medical personnel. In the structure of the children's department there are 4 specialized chambers for the care of newborns.

Our doctors use modern methods of surgical and adjuvant therapy, including:

  1.  Microsurgical removal of brain tumors using intra-operative navigation system
  2.  Microsurgical removal of brain tumors using intraoperative neuromonitoring.
  3.  Endoscopic transnasal, transsphenoidal removal of brain tumors using intraoperative neuronavigation system
  4.  Biopsy of brain tumors using stereotactic system
  5.  Implantation of a shunt system with hydrocephalus of various etiologies
  6.  Endoscopic ventriculocisternostomy hydrocephalus of different etiologies
  7.  Surgical treatment of epilepsy pharma-coresistant forms of epilepsy
  8.  Clipping of a brain aneurysm
  9.  Endovascular treatment of cerebral aneurysms (coils, remodeling using a balloon or stent)
  10.  Microsurgical resection of vascular anomalies
  11.  Endovascular embolization of vascular lesions (arteria-venose malformations, arteria-venose fistulas) adhesive components
  12.  Endovascular treatment of carotid- cavernous fistula
  13.  Endovascular stenting vessels of the head and neck
  14.  One-stage resection of the affected vertebra with the stabilization of the affected segment
  15.  Microsurgical removal of the bulk of education spinal cord and vertebral column
  16.  Decompression of the craniovertebral junction

The department has implemented a number of new concepts related to important aspects of the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the nervous system in children. In particular, it was implemented and improved endoscopic operations in the treatment of complicated forms of hydrocephalus, posterior fossa tumors, Chiari malformation, craniosynostosis. We perform joint observation and research with medical institutions in Turkey, Israel, Russia.

The head of the Department M.R.Rabandiyarov is neurosurgeon of highest category,  Candidate of Medical Sciences, a member of the Kazakh Association of Neurological Surgeons, Member of the Presidium of the Russian Society of Pediatric Neurosurgery, Member of the Russian Association of  Neurosurgery, Member of the Management Board of the Eurasian Association of Pediatric Neurosurgery.