Quantum therapy

Quantum therapy - a method of treating light emission , which is based on natural physiological regulation of disturbed functions. The main curative factor quantum therapy is pulsed infrared laser radiation of the semiconductor gallium arsenide laser diode . Laser radiation has monochromatic ( narrowband ) , spatial and temporal coherence and polarization of and thanks to these properties has a powerful stimulating effect on blood circulation , membrane cellular metabolism , activates neurohumoral factors , immunocompetent system harmonizes hormonal factors metabolism. 

In our center we have successfully used the methods of quantum therapy in the treatment of : 

  •         Pathology (osteochondrosis , including early scoliosis, herniated discs , pain, movement disorders ) 
  •         nervous system disorders (neuroses , neuritis , neurasthenia , cerebral palsy ( CP) , neurosis and paralysis after stroke rehabilitation after acute exacerbation of chronic and internal medicine ) 
  •         joints (arthritis, arthrosis , coxarthrosis , contractures , heel spurs , myositis ) 
  •         postoperative wounds. 

Quantum therapy is used to eliminate pain , stimulation of tissue repair joints and spine, relieve muscle spasm. Undoubted advantages of quantum medicine is safe, highly effective and painless during procedures .