The II Congress of Neurological Surgeons Republic of Kazakhstan with the international participation

The 2nd Congress of Neurological Surgeons of the Republic of Kazakhstan with international participation was held in Astana on July 1-2, 2012 in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On approval of the list of scientific conferences in 2012» № 125 dd. February, 28, 2012. The organizers of the Congress were the Ministry of Healthcare and Public Association "Kazakh Association of Neurological Surgeons."

On July 1,was held the grand opening of the 2nd Congress of Neurological Surgeons of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the international participation in the ‘Parliament’hall of the hotel complex ‘Duman’. The opening speechwas pronounced by the executive secretary of the Ministry of Healthcare S.R.Mussinov who read the welcome addressof the Secretary of State of the Republic of Kazakhstan M.A.Kul-Mukhammed, and said his own welcome speech. Laterfilm ‘True Stories’telling about the successful conduct of the treatment in the walls of RSCNwas shown. This was followed by the addresses of the president of the AOE‘Nazarbayev University’ Mr. Shigeo Katsu ,the Vice-chairman of the city branch of the party "NurOtan" K. Zhanabergenov, the president of the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies, Professor Vladimir Benesh. The general director of JSC "Republican Scientific Center for Neurosurgery" S. Akshulakovmade the report on "The Current State and Prospects of the Development of the Neurosurgical Service of Kazakhstan". Then the welcome speech was spoken by the general director of ‘Karl Storz Endoscope Kazakhstan’LTD S. Akhundov who on behalf of the head of the company ‘Karl Storz’ Mrs. Storz handed S. Akshulakov "The Golden Endoscope " for his contribution to the development of endoscopic technologies.

After the break the plenary session was held where were given 6 reports of foreign visitors, and 12 reports of Kazakhstani specialists.

In the RSCN was held the grand opening of the Scientific Information Center named after Academician A.N.Konovalov. At the opening academic Sharmanova T.S. and Professor L.B.Likhtermanmade a solemn speech.

According to the program of the Congress, a meeting was held with the participation of top neurosurgeons of regional centers and major cities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. On the meeting were discussed ways to improve neurosurgical care, Decree№763, issues of payment for health care services and leasing-purchase of equipment.

In the lobby was organized a medical exhibition with the participation of manufacturers of medical equipment and medicines.

On July 2, the Congress continued its work within the walls of the hotel complex ‘Duman’. 18 reports mostly byforeign experts weremade. The internet-session was connected with the operating room of N.N.BurdenkoInstitute of Neurosurgery of the RAMS. Delegates to the Congress could observe on-line endoscopic surgeries.

Leading foreign specialists in the field of neurosurgery consulted patients.

At the end of the event theResolution of the 2nd Congress of Neurological Surgeons of the Republic of Kazakhstan with international participation was adopted. It reflected the opinion of the delegates to the 2nd Congress of Neurological Surgeons of the Republic of Kazakhstan with international participation on the adequacy of current ideas of the concept of development of neurosurgery in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

According to the disposition of the Academic Council of the JSC ‘Republican Scientific Center for Neurosurgery’ Chief Research Associate of the NN BurdenkoResearch Institute of Neurosurgery of the RAMS Leonid BoleslavovichLikhtermanand Professor of the Regional Hospital of Hanover Michael Gaabuwere awarded the title of Honorary Professors of the Republican Scientific Center for Neurosurgery whereforethe ceremonial presentation of the diploma and mantle was carried out. There were also presented certificates of honorary members of Kazakh Association of Neurological Surgeons to the President of the European Association of Neurologal Surgeons Professor Vladimir Benesh and neurosurgeon KenzhekeyShuraeva.

Brief results of the 2nd Congress of Neurolocal Surgeons of the Republic of Kazakhstan with international participation:

Number of delegates: 253

Of them from foreign countries: 36

Reports given: 36

Of them from foreign delegates: 22

Conducted operations: 7

Issued digests: 1

Published 65 abstracts and 12articles.

Thus, the 2nd Congress of Neurological Surgeons of the Republic of Kazakhstan with international participation has justified its task of carrying out, namely to conveneneurological surgeons of the Republic and ofneighbouring countries and beyond in the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan Astana, to discuss the current state of national neurosurgical service, to identify its priorities for development, as well as to strengthen international links and to learn from well-known foreign clinics. The congress was held in the scientific and practical manner allowing in addition to the scientific use to provide practical assistance to Kazakhstan in the resolution of individual patients’ neurosurgical problems.