Scientific information center after A.N.Konovalov

In 2012, in the framework of the II Congress of Neurological Surgeons Republic of Kazakhstan with the international participation in the Republican Scientific Center of Neurosurgery was established Research and Information Center, which is named in honor of the outstanding neurosurgeon, a world-renowned scientist, Director of the Research Institute of Neurosurgery RAMS, academician Alexander N. Konovalov.

Scientific information center after A.N.Konovalov is the modern format of library. 
Its objectives are to promote the revitalization of the intellectual capacity of staff of the Republican Scientific Center of Neurosurgery and the multiplication of information resources, as well as the formation of qualitatively new, adequate expectations of users of library services.

There are about 500 books in the Research and Information center, 100 of which were purchased in the last year and this year. Basically these books are on neurosurgery and neurology of leading publishers, subscriptions to foreign magazines in neurosurgery, local magazines and newspapers. Scientific Information Center provides online access to databases of the largest manufacturers of foreign electronic information products: the materials of magazines, newspapers, news, e-books, conference proceedings.

Services of Research and Information center after AN Konovalov is available to all employees of the center of neurosurgery: doctors, researchers, nurses and residents, students, which allows for new levels of search of relevant information, the educational process and will play a key role in improving the quality of scientific research.