Professional Retraining and Postgraduate Education

In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan ‘On Education’dd. July 27, 2007 as amended on July 10, 2012 and pursuant to the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 1174 ‘On approval of the action plan for the implementation of the Unified National Healthcare System of the Republic of Kazakhstan’ dd. August 4, 2009, with a view to ensuring the availability of highly specialized care to the population, development and implementation into practical healthcare of achievements of modern medicine, JSC ‘Republican scientific Center for Neurosurgery’ conducts training cycles in ‘Neurosurgery, including children’s neurosurgery.’ Also the Center conducts a series of training with regard to the principles of modular-funded system of continuous professional education of health workers focused on current problems and needs of neurosurgery specialists.

The preparation of students of the training cycles iscarried out in accordance with national standards of additional education of Kazakhstan approved and put into effect by the Decree of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 778 dd. November 26, 2009, the Decree of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 51 dd. January 26, 2012 , and the model curriculum , approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 916 dd. November 23, 2010. Educational-methodical documentation of residency training is carried out according to the Instructive Letter № 9 dd. April 27, 2010 , ‘On the development of educational and training material in the facuties (courses, departments) of educational institutions engaged in additional medical and pharmaceutical education.’

Types of training:

1. Cycle of retraining in ‘Neurosurgery, including children’s neurosurgery’

2. Cycles of postgraduate education:

1. ‘Injuries and Diseases of the spine and spinal cord’

2. ‘Innovative Technologies in Neurosurgery’

3. ‘Modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of neurosurgical diseases of children’

4. ‘Fundamentals of neurological intensive care medicine and neuroanesthesiology’

5. ‘Diagnosis, emergency care and surgical treatment of an injury of the central and peripheral nervous system.’

Study time and price list

№ Duration Hours Tuition

1 Cyclesof postgraduate education 108 hours 66,018 tenge

2 Cycle of retraining 1,080 hours/20 weeks 365,820 tenge

To be enrolled you need to submit an application to the Chairman of the Board of ‘RSCN’,doctor of medical sciences, professor AkshulakovSerikKuandykovich, indicating specialty, name of the cycle, the date of the cycle and the name of your staff member. All submitted applications will be considered and satisfied.

Documents to be credited to the cycles of retraining andpostgraduate education:

1. A request from the employer (in the case of student’s own paying of tuition fees – application of thestudent to the President of the Management Board of JSC ‘RSCN’).

2. A copy of the diploma.

3. A copy of the identity card.

4. Graduate Certificate.

5. Copies of certificates of professional development (last ones).

6. The order from the employer about the appointmentto be trained.

7. Sanitary book.

8. Gown, scrubs and exchangeable leather shoes.

The quality of acquisitionof practical skills issystematically monitored at all stages of training, after completion of the course a certificate of completion of the course of national standardis given.

Head of the Department –candidate of medical sciences, associate professorAkshulakova Bayan Tuleuovna.

For all questions, please contact us: 8 (7172) 49-76-45 , 51-17-43 (fax).