Наши врачи
Neurosurgeon CNS pathology department .
Mustafin Halit Abdimazhitovich
Neurosurgeon CNS pathology department .
Neurosurgeon CNS pathology department .
Doskaliev Ajdos Zhaksylykovich
Doctor neurosurgeon CNS pathology department . PhD - Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Science ( Ph.D. Medical Sciences ) .
Head of the Department of General Neurosurgery , neurosurgeon highest category.
Mustafayev Baghlan Satylhanovich
Neurosurgeon Department of General Neurosurgery .
Zhumadildina Aygerim Zhaksybaevna
Neurosurgeon first category of the pathology of the CNS.
Physician - Department of General nerohirurgii neurosurgeon .
Neurosurgeon Department of Vascular and functional neurosurgery
Neurosurgeon Department of Vascular and functional neurosurgery
Neurosurgeon Department of Vascular and functional neurosurgery
Berdihodzhaev Mynzhylky Sailauovich
Neurosurgeon Department of Vascular and functional neurosurgery
Smagulov Faizulla Habdulmazhitovich
Neurosurgery Department of Vascular and functional neurosurgery .
Makhambetov Yerbol Targynovich
Head of the Department of Vascular and functional neurosurgery . PhD, neurosurgeon doctor of the highest category .
Mambetova Gulnara Sharipbekovna
Physician physiotherapy department of neurorehabilitation .
Sadyrbekova Ajgul Kenzhebekovna
Speech therapist offices neurorehabilitation , the author of 16 scientific papers, 2 textbooks .
Acupuncture physician offices neurorehabilitation JSC " RSCN ."
Speech therapist offices of neurorehabilitation .
Neurorehabilitation department psychologist .