Rehabilitation psychologist
In our Center sensory room is functioning from January 2009. Depending on the shape of the underlying pathology and related diseases in the sensory room sessions can be directed to the following tasks:
- relieve muscle and mental and emotional stress , achieving a state of relaxation and peace of mind ;
- activation of various functions of the central nervous system through the creation of rich multisensory environment;
- stimulation of weakened sensory functions (vision, touch, hearing , etc.);
- the development of motor functions;
- creating a positive emotional background , increasing the motivation to conduct other medical procedures.
- Sensory Room contributes to relaxation and allows to activate various functions of the central nervous system:
- stimulates all sensory processes ;
- creates a positive emotional background and helps to overcome violations emotional - volitional sphere ;
- excites interest in research activities;
- corrects disorders of higher cortical functions ;
- develop a common and fine motor skills and adjusts motor disorders .
Thus , depending on the task , the sensory room in sessions may be considered as:
- Self rehabilitation process ;
- way to prepare for other health and psychological interventions;
- means of optimization of the rehabilitation process .
According to the results of questionnaires and screening tests at the Department of Neurorehabilitation Center after psychological impact (using the classes in the sensory room ) we can say that in 82% of patients showed significant improvement in 9% of shifts in the direction of improvement was less significant , with them was encouraged to continue psychotherapy with an additional diagnosis and correction program. Among the positive results observed general improvement , strengthening the body . Reduced the number of exacerbations of chronic disease, accelerate the process of recovery and rehabilitation; development of motor abilities and nervous system ( reaction time, coordination of movements) , the development of organization, discipline , development of memory , attention, thinking , intellectual activity enrichment of vocabulary.
Art therapy room in our center started its activities in 2009. Given the focus of the rehabilitation department, art therapeutic work is focused on the following tasks:
- Employment patients by involving them in an interesting and meaningful activities : development and maintenance of their creativity :
- sensory stimulation and emotional excitement ; acting out the feelings and experiences of positive emotions associated with creative activity and its results;
- support and development of communication skills , self-reliance and self-organization ;
- psychological integration of patients achieving a higher level of self-acceptance and self-understanding ;
- increased self-esteem and self-awareness and some other problems .
Art therapy is a form of expressive therapy , applying modern materials, such as paints, pencils , crayons , clay, sand and plastic materials . It combines traditional psychotherapeutic theories and techniques of understanding the psychological aspects of the creative process. Affective properties of the different art materials , which are aimed at enhancing communication with the psychologist or the group as a whole for a clear , subtle expression of their feelings, problems , internal contradictions , on the one hand , and creative expression - on the other. Essence therapy - to free expression by the patient to push him conscious and unconscious . To do this, make a person draw, portray your problem , throwing negative emotions on paper.
In working with patients in the department of neurorehabilitation Center combines elements of studio and theme group . This combination is partly due to the variability of the groups by the presence of patients with various forms of disorders (inside and interpersonal conflicts , crisis conditions , injuries, losses , neurotic and psychosomatic disorders ) and at different stages of remission, and accordingly , with different motivations and cognitive capabilities , different ability to communication and insight . Studio approach takes account of individual pace of work and mental dynamics of each patient , and to vary the depth discussions graphic products , taking into account their needs .
Sessions with a speech therapist in patients with impaired speech .
As a result of local brain lesions ( stroke, severe traumatic brain injury , surgery to remove a brain tumor or vascular ) arise severe speech disorder . The most common of these are aphasia and dysarthria , which is often associated with the pathology of other higher mental functions ( different types of apraxia and agnosia ) , right hemiparesis and mental disorders.
In our Center with patients having various forms of aphasia speech therapist - aphasiology , armed with the knowledge of neuropsychology , efficiently conducts a systematic analysis of higher mental functions , using the most widely used technique for the purpose of neuropsychological diagnosis and staging topical speech diagnosis. Given the results obtained, is a program of rehabilitative training , outlines the ways rehabilitation.