Academic Council
The Academic Council of JSC ‘National Centre for Neurosurgery’ is a coordinating participatory advisory body of administration of scientific-innovative andeducationalactivities, whose main task is to unite the efforts of the team of the Company to solve actual problems of its development within the purview of the Academic Council, the provision of high-quality research work, training of specialists in accordance with the State standards of postgraduate professional education, the introduction of the latest advances in medical practice, ensuring competitiveness in domestic and foreign markets of research and educational services.
In the exercise of its powers the Academic Council is guided by the Constitution, applicable legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter -RK), the Law of RK ‘On Science’dd. 18.02.2011, the Code of RK ‘On people's health and the health care system’dd. 18.09.2009 , the Law of RK ‘On Joint Stock Companies’ and the Charter and the Regulations of the Company, the Internal regulations, and the given Regulations.
The Academic Council is created in order to improve the fundamental and applied research undertaken in the field of neurosurgery.
The mission of the Academic Council
Coordination of the activities of the Company's participation in the development of scientific concepts of the development of healthcare of RK, determining current and future directions of scientific activity, in basic and applied research in the field of neurosurgery.
Creation of necessary conditions for scientific activity of employees of the Company with a view to the successful implementation of research programs.
Recommendations to ensure financial support for scientific research, strengthening the material-technical base of scientific departments of the Company.
Promoting further development of the Company.
The Academic Council, within its competence:
1) submitsproposals for amendments to the Charter and the Statute of the Academic Council of the Companyfor approval by the Academic Council;
2) organizes and coordinates fundamental and applied research, determines and approves of the main priorities of scientific activity, the introduction of international standards;
3) develops main directions of the Company's cooperation with research organizations and higher education institutions in the implementation of research in the primary field;
4) establishes international cooperation in research activities;
5) approves of the Work Plan of the Academic Council and the current plans of the Company;
6) discusses and approves of plans for scientific research;
7) monitors and assesses the progress of scientific-technological programs of neurosurgery performed on the basis of the Company;
8) hears and approves of interim and final reports of research divisions of the Company;
9) coordinates publishing activities of the Company, considers issues related to preparation and publication of textbooks, monographs, practice guidelines, manuals and other scientific literature;
10) reviews cases of applicants for academic titles, awards and submits them for approval in due course set by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and in-house regulations ofthe Company;
11) approves of supervisors, and themes of masters and doctoral theses;
12) examines and approves of the annual certification reports of progress of masters’, doctoral students and researchers;
13) monitors the implementation of educational programs carried out on the basis of the Company (post-graduate and further medical education, residency, and other forms of training);
14) considersissues related to scientific training, sabbaticals, training and study tours;
15) considers issues of the establishment and operation of specialized councils on thesis defense.