Information about employee

Mustafayev  Baglan

Mustafayev Baglan

Neurosurgeon Department of General Neurosurgery


Mustafayev Baglan - neurosurgeon Department of the General Neurosurgery. Winner of the degree of Doctor of Medicine, PHD. WAC Republic of Kazakhstan (2012). Degree holder candidate of medical sciences WAC Russian Federation (2010). Winner of the International Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Bolashak" (2007-2010). Passed the graduate school in "Neurosurgery" FGU RNHI them. prof. AL Polenov, St. Petersburg, Russia (2007-2010). Specialty Microsurgery FGU St. Petersburg. Medical University. Academician IP Pavlov, St. Petersburg, Russia (2010). Specialist Surgery of the acute period of severe craniocerebral injury and its consequences, intracerebral tumors, meningiomas. Author of more than 17 publications.