Information about employee

Tokshekenova  Raushan

Tokshekenova Raushan

Doctor anesthesiologist-resuscitator of department of anesthesiology, reanimation and intensive care


Tokshekenova Raushan - the doctor the anesthesiologist-resuscitator. The general practical length of service – 24 years. Has the highest qualification category. In 1991 has graduated from Semipalatinsk State medical institute, in pediatrics, qualification of the children's surgeon is appropriated. Was trained in the leading clinics of Israel, the USA. Achievements: Carrying out all types of anestezilogichesky grants. Statement of internal jugular catheter under ultrasonography control. Carrying out blockade of neuroplexes under ultrasonography by control. Carrying out awake of craniotomy. Main activities: development and improvement of methods of safety of patients, diagnosis and intensive care of respiratory and hemodynamic disturbances, in anesthesia and intensive care. Use of advanced technologies of respiratory therapy.