Information about employee

Pan Andrey

Pan Andrey

Doctor anesthesiologist-resuscitator of department of anesthesiology, reanimation and intensive care


Pan Andrey - the doctor the anesthesiologist-resuscitator. The general practical length of service – 17 years. Has the highest qualification category. In 2003 has graduated from the Kazakh state medical academy, in medical business, qualification the doctor is appropriated. Was trained in the leading clinics of Russia, Kazakhstan. Achievements: improvement of methods and techniques of anesthesiology grant of postoperative maintaining patients, search and carrying out the safest and effective methods of postoperative anesthesia, development and improvement of methods of safety of patients during anesthesia and in the early postoperative period. Main activities: ensuring safe anesthesia to patients with neurosurgical pathology, ensuring adequate treatment – intensive care in the early postoperative period, adequate IVP, correction of ICP.