Information about employee

Abisheva Ainur

Abisheva Ainur

Physiotherapist of the Department of Physiotherapy and Balneotherapy


Abisheva Ainur is a Physiotherapist of the Department of Physiotherapy and Balneotherapy. General practical work experience - 17 years. She has the first qualification category. In 1996 she graduated from the Almaty State Medical Institute with a degree in pediatrics, qualified as a pediatrician. In 2013, she completed the primary specialization in the specialty "Medical Rehabilitation" at the Medical University of Astana, and was qualified as a medical rehabilitation therapist. Has published articles in the journals of neurosurgery, healthy lifestyle in Kazakhstan. Participant of Republican master classes. Specialised in: osteochondrosis of the spine (hernia, protrusion), consequences of spinal and brain trauma, rehabilitation after neurosurgical operations, acute and chronic vascular diseases of the nervous system (discirculatory encephalopathy, the consequences of a stroke), vegetative-vascular dystonia, degenerative and hereditary diseases of nervous system (Parkinson's disease, etc.), diseases of the peripheral nervous system (acute and chronic polyneuropathies, neuralgia, neuritis, neuropathy, tunnel syndromes, neurological manifestations of osteochondrosis).