Research and information center is equipped with modern computers connected to high speed internet, printers, copying and duplicating machines. Readers have the opportunity to use the following remote databases: Springer, Webofknowledge, WebofScience (ThomsonReuters), Scopus, ScienseDirect (Elsеvier), Ebsco, Hinary, Medline, Pubmed - which greatly facilitates the search for scientific information on the topic, search the journals for publications. Databases provide researchers with access, and provide hyperlinks to a number of scientific and technical and medical articles on platforms of other publishers.

An extensive library of e-books consists of 25.5 GB of scientific information on medicine.

Springer – is the Center for customer service of Springer which covers a huge amount of scientific literature, a collection of over two thousand peer-reviewed journals. More than 35,000 e-books. It is a universal database of abstracts of scientific publications, including more than 23 thousand scientific journals, 23 million patents, 110,000 materials of scientific conferences. On the given platform you may use Medline – the world's largest database published by medical library, created by the National Library of Medicine, USA. - electronic full-text resource of Springer database, the following products are available: e-books, e-directories, journals, archives of on-line-journals, archives of on-line-books, collections of on-line-archives, SpringerProtocols (Protocols), SpringerMaterials (materials), SpringerImages (pictures), Zentralblatt MATH (central newspaper), and other materials contained in the web-sites.

ThomsonReuters( – scientific electronic publications, placed on a platform WebofKnowledge.

WebofKnowledge – is multidisciplinary electronic research platform that includes multi-disciplinary and highly specialized database of ThomsonReuters Company. - These resources have information on the citation index in the following areas: natural, human, social sciences, and conference proceedings. It covers journals with full-text bibliographies from 1975 to 2012. Here you will find information related to the collection, description, and storage.

Elsevier (Scopus® ScienceDirect®)

Elsevier database occupies a special place in the scientific publishing industry. Having great experience in publishing scientific journals, books, abstracts, and other databases, publisher constantly develops innovative topical solutions to support all aspects of scientific and medical research.

Elsevier – ScienceDirect provides an access: to full-text articles from 2 500 journals, 11 000 on-lines books, SciVerseScienceDirect, SciVerseScopus, Reaxys, Emabse, EngineeringVillage, and also to the innovative system of analysis, evaluation and problem-solving in the scientific research activity of SciVal and others. The depth of access to full-text journals: from 2006 to current year, books – from 2009 to 2010. Electronic access to full-text articles from Elsevier journals, published from the 1st January 2008, indicated in the lit of journals «FreedomCollection»

Scopus (Elsеvier ) is the world's largest universal abstract database that indexes more than 18 000 items of scientific, technical and medical journals about 4,000 international publishers. Daily updated database Scopus includes entries up to the first volume of the first issue of the leading scientific journal publishers It provides unparalleled support in the search for scientific publications, and offers links to all published quotes from the vast amount of available articles.

Ebsco – is a leading provider of electronic services and databases in the information services market, which represents more than 200 scientific, technical and medical databases for different groups of users. Ebsco Information Database contains over 30,000 full-text journals, books, pamphlets, newspapers, directories and research reports.

Medline – is database containing authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and others.

Hinaryis the program of access to Health Research, which provides easy access to the major journals of biomedical and social sciences. Hinary was launched in January 2002 about 1500 journals from 6 major publishers: Blackwell, ElsevierScience, theHarcourtWorldwide STM Group, WoltersKluwerInternationalHealth&Sciience, SpringerVerlagandJohnWiley. Since then, the number of participating publishers and journals and other full text resources has grown continuously. Today, more than 150 partner publishers offer more than 15,000 information resources Hinary and many others are joining the program.

The BMJ (BritishMedicalJournal) –British medical journal

Published since 1840. Their weekly circulation of about 122,000 copies, of which 10,000 is distributed outside the UK. Since 1995, have an electronic database.

Today BMJ is an international peer-reviewed medical journal. The model used is a "continuous publication" means that all articles appear on before the appearance of the printed version. Every day there are materials about the latest original research, education, news, articles and commentary, as well as podcasts, videos and blogs.

In accordance with the agreement between the BMJ and the Ministry of Health open access medical facilities in Kazakhstan to the information base BMJ in the field of advanced medical expertise, training, etc.