Scientific information center after A.N.Konovalov

   In 2012, in the framework of the II Congress of Neurological Surgeons Republic of Kazakhstan with the international participation in the Republican Scientific Center of Neurosurgery was established Research and Information Center, which is named in honor of the outstanding neurosurgeon, a world-renowned scientist, Director of the Research Institute of Neurosurgery RAMS, academician Alexander N. Konovalov.

   Scientific information center after A.N.Konovalov is the modern format of library. Its objectives are to promote the revitalization of the intellectual capacity of staff of the Republican Scientific Center of Neurosurgery and the multiplication of information resources, as well as the formation of qualitatively new, adequate expectations of users of library services.

The objectives of the library are:

- full and operational library and information and bibliographic services for medical personnel, students, teachers, and other employees of the Company in accordance with information requests based on wide access to funds;

- promoting the activation of the intellectual potential of medical workers and the multiplication of information resources, as well as the formation of a qualitatively new library adequate to the expectations of users of the library service system.

By order of the Chairman of the Management Board of the Company dated September 27, 2019 No. 08-2 / 326, the Rules for using the library of the Company were approved, which regulated the rights and responsibilities, the procedure for servicing readers.

The library consists of: reference and bibliographic department; acquisition and storage of literature; scientific processing of literature and cataloging; automation and electronic resources; subscription service.

The library includes the sector of periodicals, the sector of reference and bibliographic services, the sector of coordination of databases, the sector of fiction and the scientific and methodological sector.

The library resources of the Society comprise 1953 literature (1170 - specialized, including 39 in the Kazakh language, 783 - electronic books, 595 of them in English, 188 in Russian). The main part of the fund (47.7%) is educational literature; scientific and practical - 43.6%; Literature in foreign languages ​​is 16.2%.

The library fund is completed in accordance with the studied disciplines of specialties and order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 508 dated July 18, 2003 “On approval of the Instructions on the formation of the library fund of the state educational organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan” and “Organization of the activities of medical libraries in the Republic of Kazakhstan” in accordance with the profile of the Company and the strategic development plan Society, the analysis of book support of the educational process.

Sections of the fund:

1. Neurosurgery and neurology

There are books on spinal, pediatric, vascular neurosurgery and CNS pathology, neurology, nursing, and books for narrow specialists, such as: neuro-ophthalmology, neurourology, resuscitation, anesthesiology, rehabilitation, etc.

2. Our publications:

There are the books of doctors of our center, works about the development and implementation of new innovative technologies for surgical interventions, monographs, study guides and methodological recommendations.

Authors (Name) Title
1 Akshulakov S.K., Ryskeldiev N.A., Teltaev D.K. , Mustafin H.A. Endoscopic transfenoid surgery of tumors of the chiasmosellar region and base of the skull, 2015, 80 p.
2 Akshulakov S.K., Kerimbaev T.T. Surgical treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis, 2015, 149 p.
3 Nurpeisov A.Z., Nurdinov M.A., Tokshekenova R.A., Amirzhanova A.K., Aldiyarova N.T., Akhmetzhanova Z.B. Intensive care of subarachnoid hemorrhages, 2015, 50 p.
4 S.K.Akshulakov, N.A. Ryskeldiev, E.B. Adilbekov, Ғ.I. Өlenbay, A.Zh.Doskaliev, A.E. Moldabekov Краниотомия негіздері, 2016, 56 б.
5 Akshulakov S.K., Akhmetzhanov V.K. , Shashkin C.S Паркинсон ауруы, 2016, 108 б.
6 Akshulakov S.K., Shashkin C.S., Makhambetov E.T., Akhmetzhanov V.K., Komarov Zh.I. Neurosurgical treatment of Parkinson's disease, 2017, 94 pp.
7 Takenov Zh.T., Ibatova G.S., Mustafaeva A.S., Akshulakov S.K., Жүйке жүйесі ауруларының гериатрикалық ерекшеліктері (Оқу құралы), 2017, 54 б.
8 Medetov, E.Zh., Aitkulova A.M., Zholdybaeva E.V., Dzhamantaeva B.D., Makhambetov, E.T., Akhmetova M.O., Akshulakov S.K. Assessment of the genetic predisposition in the development of intracranial cerebral vascular aneurysms (method. Recommendations), 2017, 32 p.
9 N.A. Ryskeldiev, H.A. Mustafin Vestibular schwannomas: clinic, diagnosis, treatment, 2018, 197 p.
10 Akshulakov S.K., Adaibaev T.A., Aubәkirov A.B., Ryskeldiev N.A. Нерв жүйесі (Оқу құралы), 2018, 364 б.
11 Bralov A.Z., Koyanbaeva J.K. The main indicators of neurosurgical care to the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2008-2017 (statistical compilation), 2018, 70 p.
12 Takenov, J.T., Bergenova A.A., Auezova R.Zh., Ibatova G.S. Situational tasks in neurology (textbook), 2019, 48 pp.
13 Kuanyshev E.N., Syzdykova B.S., Solodovnikov M.P. Clinical use of blood components and preparations (method.recommendations), 2019, 44 p.
14 Akshulakov S.K., Kerimbaev T.T., Aleinikov V.G. Surgical treatment of tumors of the thoracic spine, 2019, 255 p.

3. History of Neurosurgery книги по истории нейрохирургии Казахстана и Общества. Имеются книги и по истории нейрохирургии других стран.

These are books on the history of neurosurgery in Kazakhstan, Astana and our National centre for neurosurgery. There are also books on the history of neurosurgery in other countries.

4. Materials of conferences , in which our employees participated, reports at these conferences, both in our country and abroad.

5. Periodicals

6 newspapers and 18 magazines

The library has an electronic library KABIS (Kazakh Automated Library Information System). This allowed to create an electronic catalog of all new books and an electronic card index of newspaper and magazine articles (more than 600 articles are described). Electronic catalog, it's not just modern, but also convenient. Advantages of the electronic catalog is that with its help you can make a selection of books and articles available in our collection in a few clicks, classifying them according to the actual topic, the year of publication, by keywords, or finding books by a certain author.

Along with the electronic catalog there is also a usual card catalog. The whole fund is included in it, along with gift books of yesteryear, some of which are also in demand.

Also in the library there is a large collection of electronic books, more than 50 GB. These are textbooks and video operations, monographs and methodological materials in English and Russian. The archive of 9 foreign electronic journals is 8.85 GB.

In the library, you can download and view e-books and operations, copy or scan the necessary article or chapter from printed publications, provide temporary access to databases of foreign medical information sites.

The library is equipped with 7 computers, and there is also a printer, a scanner, free access to Wi-Fi, which makes it possible to work on Skype.

Services of the scientific and information center named after A.N. Konovalov can be used by all employees of the Society: doctors, researchers, nurses, and residents, cadets, which will help to raise the level of information, educational process and will play a key role in improving the quality of scientific research.

The reading room of the library is designed for 10 seats. The total area of the library is 49.3 m2

Opening hours from 9.00 to 18.00 daily on weekdays.