Schedule of reception of citizens

Reception schedule of CEO and Board members of the National Centre for Neurosurgery


Title, position

Reception hours


Contact details

Serik Akshulakov


First Monday of each month 16.00-18.00 

Astana, Turan Avenue 34/1,     

2nd floor, office № III-02-14

8 (7172) 62-10-11

Talgat Omarov

Deputy Chairman of the Board

First Tuesday of each month     10.00-12.00 

Astana, Turan Avenue 34/1,     

2nd floor, office № III-02-18

8 (7172) 62-10-53

Asylbek Kaliyev

Deputy Chairman of the Board

Medical Director

First Wednesday of each month 10.00-12.00

Astana, Turan Avenue 34/1,     

2nd floor, office № III-02-12

8 (7172) 62-10-02

Aiman Baizhumanova

Financial Director

First Thursday of each month 16.00-18.00 

Astana, Turan Avenue 34/1,     

2nd floor, office № III-02-20

8 (7172) 62-11-75

Aidos Doskaliyev

Strategy and Research Director

First Friday of each month 10.00-12.00

Astana, Turan Avenue 34/1,     

3rd floor, office № III-03-20

8 (7172) 62-10-69

Altyn Zhumabayeva

Nursing Director

First Wednesday of each month


Astana, Turan Avenue 34/1,     

2nd floor, office № III-02-11

8(7172) 62-11-87

To make an appointment please contact to: 8(7172) 62-10-11 or by email: