Department of Education

The department of education of JSC NCN functions since August, 2008 and carries out the organization and coordination of activities for preparation of modern, highly qualified and competitive personnel for health system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In department of education there is permanent job over educational and methodical documentation directed on their updating according to fast rates of development of new medical technologies and scientific achievements. Much attention is paid to training in new and difficult diagnostic methods and surgical treatment of patients, to mastering the modern equipment and tools, knowledge of the last medical achievements. Systems of computer control and training are entered, technical means of training are implemented, operations from surgery blocks are used thematic film and video movies, video broadcastings neurosurgical. Training is oriented to mastering professional skills on practical training and during work practice. Master classes with involvement of leading experts from the foreign and neighboring countries are held.Quality of development of practical skills is systematically controlled at all grade levels, after the termination of courses certificates of the state sample are issued. 

The main functions of the education department are:

- organization of continuous professional development (advanced training and retraining) of the healthcare system specialists of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

- planning, organization, methodological support, monitoring and quality control of the educational process;

- interaction with international clinics, educational organizations for the purpose of planning and organizing master classes and the institution of mentoring in the Company;

- interaction with other organizations of medical education of the republic, near and far abroad on issues of academic mobility;

- work on preparation for the residency program;

- the formation of library and information resources, the library fund of documents in accordance with the profile of the Company and the information needs of users.

Educational services include:

1) continuing education programs:

- continuing education cycles (including distance learning),

- retraining,

- internship in the workplace,

- master classes, seminars, trainings, including field ones.

2) postgraduate education programs:

- residency in the specialty "Neurosurgery, adults and pediatric" (4 years)

- residency in the specialty "Neurology, adults and pediatric" (2 years)

After graduation relevant supporting documents are issued.

For more detailed information please contact 



Job position

Phone number


Consultation time

Altyngul Serikpayeva

Head of department

8 (7172) 62-11-02 

Daily from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m.

Zhazira Kabakova

Chief Specialist

8 (7172) 62-10-89

Daily from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m.

Zulfiya Kamalova

Chief Specialist

8 (7172) 62-10-90

Daily from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m.

Dana Kapenova

Leading Specialist

8 (7172) 62-11-47

Daily from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m.